Conversational Hypnosis

Powerful Tools of Conversational Hypnosis – 4 Yes-Sets

Conversational hypnosis is all about getting people to agree with you and leading them to the direction you want…without them knowing it!
A Yes-Set is a powerful way of doing just that! What are yes-sets? Let me show you 4 powerful examples.

Yes Set Number 1: Repeat What They Say

For example, as a therapist, I would often start off by making general statements that are true about a client.

For example:

“You’ve come here from this part of town. You’re here to resolve a certain problem. This problem is something you’ve dealt with a long time and now it’s time for you to stop it.”

Think about this. I have made a whole bunch of statements which are true.


Because they’ve told me that they are true. And it almost seems like I’m kind of rapport-building, or just kind of getting my own ideas clear in my own head.

The same can be true of a salesman.

For example, a salesman can use a ‘yes ladder’ by saying,

“Well, you’re looking for a car that’s fast and economical, has 4 doors so you can bring your family in, has got a big boot, but it still has a sporty-ness to it.”

Think about what you’ve just said there.

You’ve made all these comments – which seems to just be a summary of what someone else has asked you for – so they will be agreeing with it anyway; they’ll be interested in hearing it.

But more importantly, you’re beginning to activate their ‘yes’ neurology; their agreement neurology.

So it’s a very, very important principle to be using here.

Yes Set Number 2: State Obvious Facts

What are other ways to be using ‘yes-sets’?

Well, ‘yes-sets’ can be as simple as making comments, for example, “You’re wearing shoes, you’re wearing a shirt”.

So this is things that are verifiable and true, although a little strange unless you set the context up right.

Yes Set Number 3: Make Truisms
Other ‘yes-sets’ however, are a little bit more devious. They’re what we call ‘truisms’.

A ‘truism’ is something that everyone tends to agree with as a way of looking at the world. The old sayings like, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’, ‘better late than never’, ‘better safe than sorry’.

These are all truisms. These are all things that people are culturally conditioned and tend to agree with. Now, anything can be a truism provided it fits into the cultural context that you’re with. So, for example, sports fans will have certain truisms about their particular sport. People in business will have certain truisms about their business.

For example, ‘you know, it’s about profit, about bottom line, ‘it’s about making sure your people can deliver’. Now all of these things can be used as a ‘yes-set’. Because it’s something that is relied upon very, very heavily in Conversational Hypnosis because it’s such a powerful part of what you do.