by Jane | Aug 3, 2021 | Ethical Hypnosis Practices
Understanding and adhering to ethical codes, maintaining clear boundaries, and prioritizing client welfare are key in navigating ethical dilemmas in hypnotherapy practice. Ensuring informed consent, confidentiality, and privacy while avoiding dual...
by Jane | Jul 13, 2021 | Brainwave Hypnosis Insights
Neuroscientific research reveals intricate neural correlates and brain regions involved in hypnosis. Specific neural oscillations like theta and alpha frequencies are modulated during hypnotic states, affecting cognitive processing. Brain regions such as the...
by Jane | May 6, 2021 | Brainwave Hypnosis Insights
Brain activity changes in hypnosis due to altered neural connectivity, brainwave patterns, neurotransmitter modulation, and suggestive cognitive effects. During hypnosis, distinct brain regions related to attention, perception, and...
by Jane | Apr 3, 2021 | Theoretical Hypnosis Foundations
Cognitive theories like schema, attentional focus, expectancy, and cognitive-behavioral influences significantly impact hypnosis. These theories play crucial roles in shaping hypnotic experiences and influencing responsiveness to suggestions. Understanding...
by Jane | Mar 22, 2021 | Brainwave Hypnosis Insights
Enhancing brain activity during hypnosis can optimize cognitive functions, boost focus, improve memory recall, reduce stress, and enhance emotional regulation. The hypnotic state triggers distinct brainwave patterns, cortical activation, and...